Jellies & Preserves

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Small Batch Blackberry Jam

Canning Process to extend shelf life.


4 cups blackberries (mashed)

2 cups sugar

1 lemon (zested and juiced)

read directions

Fruit CanningSugar-Free

Sugar helps canned fruit hold its shape, color and flavor but is not needed to prevent spoilage. The National Center for Home Food Preservation says,
Adding syrup to canned fruit … does not prevent spoilage of these foods.” [4]

Juice or Water Pack
Fruits also can be packed in boiling hot water or juice. Processing is the same for unsweetened and sweetened fruit.” [3]
Fruit can be canned in commercial juices such as unsweetened apple juice, pineapple juice or white grape juice. It can also be canned in juice extracted from additional fruit.
100% white grape juice, some people feel, is the juice that impacts the taste of fruit the least.

Whole Spices
Whole spices such as a whole clove or two, half a stick of cinnamon, an allspice berry, a few vanilla seeds scraped from a vanilla pod, a star anise, etc.
Be leery of added powdered spices, as they could make your jar look unsightly.

To Hold Shape, Color, Flavor
There are other treatments that can be used, however, they are not as effective as the ascorbic acid. These include citric acid, lemon juice, sugar syrup and a salt/vinegar solution.” [19] Sugar customarily used in canning fruits does improve their texture, flavor and color.

Processing Methods
Ball: “Use only the Hot Pack method when canning fruit without sugar.” [22]
“Fruits can also be canned more healthfully in water or 100% fruit juices, rather than sugary syrups. These fruits must be ripe but firm and prepared as a hot pack.
Fruits may be safely processed using the boiling water method. However, you may use, and some prefer, the pressure canning method.” Pressure canning fruit does not deliver any safety advantages over water bathing. The safety comes from the acidity of the fruit. The pressure canning process is simply an accelerated equivalent of the water bathing. Pressure canning is, however, faster: compare apple slices at 20 minutes in a boiling-water bath, versus 8 minutes in a pressure canner.


Lemon {or lime} Curd

Pear Honey with Vanilla

Published by Bluebird

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